Mi6WAN Client Config
These instructions are a work in progress
Understanding What Mi6WAN Is and Isn’t
- Who can use it?
- Anyone with a valid Amateur Radio license can use our network
- What can it be used for?
- Primarily the network is intended to serve as an emergency communications system
- Encrypted Traffic is not allowed
- Commercial traffic is prohibited
Integration With An Existing Network
Integrating Mi6WAN with an existing network is not a simple task an involves complex networking concepts and may be beyond the capabilities of your home networking equipment. These default starter configs will take a blank client modem and set the radio to connect up to our PtMP network and provide a simple router that can be connected to a computer or other router to provide access to the Mi6WAN/AMPR 44 Network
Default/Clear Client Device
- Reset the device to a blank configuration with no defaults first. Once completed you can paste ether of the below configs depending on frequency of device.
/system reset-configuration no-defaults=yes
5.9Ghz Client Configuration
- Paste the following config for Mi6WAN 5.9Ghz client radio devices. Make note of generated passwords
/system routerboard settings set boot-device=try-ethernet-once-then-nand /system logging action set 3 bsd-syslog=no name=remote remote= remote-port=514 src-address= syslog-facility=daemon syslog-severity=auto target=remote /system logging add action=remote disabled=no prefix="" topics=info /system logging add action=remote disabled=no prefix="" topics=warning /system logging add action=remote disabled=no prefix="" topics=error /snmp set enabled=yes contact="W8CMN Mi6WAN" /snmp community set [ find default=yes ] addresses=,, name=mi6public /snmp community add addresses=, name=hamwan /system clock set time-zone-autodetect=no time-zone-name=America/Detroit /system ntp client set enabled=yes primary-ntp= secondary-ntp= /ip ssh set allow-none-crypto=yes always-allow-password-login=yes forwarding-enabled=remote /tool romon set enabled=yes secrets=W8CMN /ip firewall filter remove [find dynamic=no] /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow Mi6-Allowed-Manage List to input" dst-port=21,22,23,80,443,8080,8291,8728,8728 protocol=tcp src-address-list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input dst-port=21,22,23,80,443,8080,8291,8728,8728 protocol=tcp src-address= /ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop else to input chain for managment" dst-port=21,22,23,80,443,8080,8291,8728,8728 protocol=tcp disabled=no /ip service set telnet address="" disabled=no /ip service set ftp address="" disabled=no /ip service set www address="" disabled=no /ip service set ssh address="" disabled=no /ip service set www-ssl address="" disabled=no /ip service set api address="" disabled=no /ip service set winbox address="" disabled=no /ip service set api-ssl address="" disabled=yes /ip dhcp-server remove [find] /ip dhcp-server network remove [find] /ip dhcp-client remove [find] /ip address remove [find interface~"^wlan1"] /ip dns set allow-remote-requests=no /user set admin password= /user add name=w8cmn password= group=full /file print file=key-rsa-w8cmn-mon.txt :delay 2s /file set key-rsa-w8cmn-mon.txt contents="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDHYdheMLoSn113JriQ4k8mTfwy4i1LN/CfW1CwipR1PYrTN6xsY9OizP6O4XOdFsl3FRYBwnS9o1b6Vn1S+gD08Jkt6VjEmlfkYShsSatlTvWCiJBtyfFnqk3HW1FeVwafRXUIJMN3VsZpoMu9v5gyhqY9iy5Q4qoj1pCE/PH3TvpznBuqKYOBt+SwGybYEUIFZ3VkKd7PFK54oJXPa0ecehz40xo8xEULzzAJZ+++sJFmwaymFf9RMpiFLe5v49Wumq+OF5GoBzYIWfH0JAe+i3XV6EU7eOpnXbnFxnwXkk1RP0tj3yZpT29qHntEsk8n6IoLI3rynNuJJAZvJW9V w8cmn@mon.mi6wan.net" :delay 10s /user ssh-keys import public-key-file=key-rsa-w8cmn-mon.txt user=w8cmn /interface wireless channels add band=5ghz-a/n frequency=5920 list=Mi6WAN5.9 name=Sector1-5 width=5 /interface wireless channels add band=5ghz-a/n frequency=5900 list=Mi6WAN5.9 name=Sector2-5 width=5 /interface wireless channels add band=5ghz-a/n frequency=5880 list=Mi6WAN5.9 name=Sector3-5 width=5 /interface wireless channels add band=5ghz-a/n frequency=5920 list=Mi6WAN5.9 name=Sector1-10 width=10 /interface wireless channels add band=5ghz-a/n frequency=5900 list=Mi6WAN5.9 name=Sector2-10 width=10 /interface wireless channels add band=5ghz-a/n frequency=5880 list=Mi6WAN5.9 name=Sector3-10 width=10 /snmp set location=somewhere /ip dhcp-client add add-default-route=yes dhcp-options=hostname,clientid disabled=no interface=wlan1 /ip address add address= interface=ether1 /ip pool add name=dhcp-pool ranges= /ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server=, gateway= /ip dhcp-server add address-pool=dhcp-pool interface=ether1 name=dhcp disabled=no /ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=wlan1 /system script add dont-require-permissions=no name=name-device owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":global IDENTITY [interface wireless get wlan1 mac-address]\r\n/system identity set name=\"W8CMN-\$IDENTITY\"\r\n/interface wireless set 0 radio-name=\"W8CMN-\$IDENTITY\"\r\n" :delay 2s /system script run name-device :delay 2s /interface wireless set 0 band=5ghz-a/n channel-width=10mhz country=no_country_set disabled=no frequency=auto frequency-mode=superchannel scan-list="Mi6WAN5.9" ssid=Mi6WAN station-roaming=enabled wireless-protocol=nv2
2.397Ghz Client Configuration
- Paste the following config for Mi6WAN 2.397Ghz client radio devices. Make note of generated passwords
/system routerboard settings set boot-device=try-ethernet-once-then-nand /system logging action set 3 bsd-syslog=no name=remote remote= remote-port=514 src-address= syslog-facility=daemon syslog-severity=auto target=remote /system logging add action=remote disabled=no prefix="" topics=info /system logging add action=remote disabled=no prefix="" topics=warning /system logging add action=remote disabled=no prefix="" topics=error /snmp set enabled=yes contact="W8CMN Mi6WAN" /snmp community set [ find default=yes ] addresses=,, name=mi6public /snmp community add addresses=, name=hamwan /system clock set time-zone-autodetect=no time-zone-name=America/Detroit /system ntp client set enabled=yes primary-ntp= secondary-ntp= /ip ssh set allow-none-crypto=yes always-allow-password-login=yes forwarding-enabled=remote /tool romon set enabled=yes secrets=W8CMN /ip firewall filter remove [find dynamic=no] /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=mi6-allowed-manage list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow Mi6-Allowed-Manage List to input" dst-port=21,22,23,80,443,8080,8291,8728,8728 protocol=tcp src-address-list=mi6-allowed-manage /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input dst-port=21,22,23,80,443,8080,8291,8728,8728 protocol=tcp src-address= /ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop else to input chain for managment" dst-port=21,22,23,80,443,8080,8291,8728,8728 protocol=tcp disabled=no /ip service set telnet address="" disabled=no /ip service set ftp address="" disabled=no /ip service set www address="" disabled=no /ip service set ssh address="" disabled=no /ip service set www-ssl address="" disabled=no /ip service set api address="" disabled=no /ip service set winbox address="" disabled=no /ip service set api-ssl address="" disabled=yes /ip dhcp-server remove [find] /ip dhcp-server network remove [find] /ip dhcp-client remove [find] /ip address remove [find interface~"^wlan1"] /ip dns set allow-remote-requests=no /user set admin password= /user add name=w8cmn password= group=full /file print file=key-rsa-w8cmn-mon.txt :delay 2s /file set key-rsa-w8cmn-mon.txt contents="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDHYdheMLoSn113JriQ4k8mTfwy4i1LN/CfW1CwipR1PYrTN6xsY9OizP6O4XOdFsl3FRYBwnS9o1b6Vn1S+gD08Jkt6VjEmlfkYShsSatlTvWCiJBtyfFnqk3HW1FeVwafRXUIJMN3VsZpoMu9v5gyhqY9iy5Q4qoj1pCE/PH3TvpznBuqKYOBt+SwGybYEUIFZ3VkKd7PFK54oJXPa0ecehz40xo8xEULzzAJZ+++sJFmwaymFf9RMpiFLe5v49Wumq+OF5GoBzYIWfH0JAe+i3XV6EU7eOpnXbnFxnwXkk1RP0tj3yZpT29qHntEsk8n6IoLI3rynNuJJAZvJW9V w8cmn@mon.mi6wan.net" :delay 10s /user ssh-keys import public-key-file=key-rsa-w8cmn-mon.txt user=w8cmn /interface wireless channels add band=2ghz-b/g/n frequency=2397 list=Mi6WAN2.4 name=Channel-2-10 width=10 /interface wireless channels add band=2ghz-b/g/n frequency=2402 list=Mi6WAN2.4 name=Channel-1-5 width=5 /interface wireless channels add band=2ghz-b/g/n frequency=2397 list=Mi6WAN2.4 name=Channel-2-5 width=5 /interface wireless channels add band=2ghz-b/g/n frequency=2402 list=Mi6WAN2.4 name=Channel-1-10 width=10 /snmp set location=somewhere /ip dhcp-client add add-default-route=yes dhcp-options=hostname,clientid disabled=no interface=wlan1 /ip address add address= interface=ether1 /ip pool add name=dhcp-pool ranges= /ip dhcp-server network add address= dns-server=, gateway= /ip dhcp-server add address-pool=dhcp-pool interface=ether1 name=dhcp disabled=no /ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=wlan1 /system script add dont-require-permissions=no name=name-device owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":global IDENTITY [interface wireless get wlan1 mac-address]\r\n/system identity set name=\"W8CMN-\$IDENTITY\"\r\n/interface wireless set 0 radio-name=\"W8CMN-\$IDENTITY\"\r\n" :delay 2s /system script run name-device :delay 2s /interface wireless set 0 band=2ghz-b/g/n channel-width=10mhz country=no_country_set disabled=no frequency=auto frequency-mode=superchannel scan-list="Mi6WAN2.4" ssid=Mi6WAN station-roaming=enabled wireless-protocol=nv2